What are you doing for bike month?
June is bike month in Canada.
Every June, municipalities and cycling advocacy groups have events to promote biking. Let’s see what that will look like this year.
Vancouver has a full schedule for their Spring Go by Bike Week to start off bike month. It’s a fully digital event this year. You can register for a free online yoga class, check in with bike shops on Facebook, attend webinars, and more. Register with a team or solo and log your trips for a chance at some great prizes.
Their event FAQ page has instructions on modifying Google Maps to plan a safe route, or you can download a PDF of their 2021 cycling map. I love how they’ve defined their AAA (all ages and abilities) network!
The Greater Toronto Area
Bikemonth.ca shows events within the Greater Toronto Area and Guelph. There are several webinars offered by York and Peel Regions: Safe Cycling 101, Family Biking, Sharing the Road, Road Rules, and All Weather Biking.
The annual Tour de Guelph is usually a one-day community ride event in support of local charities. This year there are 17 possible routes (or do your own), and you can still register, fundraise, and participate any day between June 4-27.
The routes range from a 5km family adventure to the full 160m Tour de Guelph route.
Canada Bikes Pedal Poll
In the first week of June, registered volunteers stationed across the country will count cyclists in a national Pedal Poll. Researchers will use the data to learn about travel patterns during the pandemic, to work towards inclusion in cycling infrastructure, and help cycling become an important solution to address climate change.
Contact Me
Do you have events planned for bike month? There’s still time to create maps to highlight locations or routes.
I’d love to hear how your community is celebrating bike month. Contact me for a free consultation to talk about your mapping needs.
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