Local history walking tours and maps
While many municipalities use city-wide maps for wayfinding or tourism, sometimes they want to promote specific areas and teach people about local history. Often these highlight the historic city centres and cemeteries, as in Kitchener-Waterloo, or specific features, such as Brantford’s community gardens and river access points.
Self-guided walking tours in Waterloo
The City of Waterloo has created several walking routes as part of their Uptown Loop. Last summer I saw one of their wayfinding signs in Waterloo Square.

Mount Hope Cemetery in Kitchener
Kitchener Cemeteries has tour maps available at the cemetery entrance, with three tours of the grounds. It’s the oldest active cemetery in Kitchener, and has monuments to some early civic leaders.
Garden Maps
This month I’m working with the City of Brantford to design a map showing locations of the city’s community gardens for the International Year of the Garden. And a few months ago I designed a river access map that they’ve installed at a few places along the Grand River. You can read about that and other Brantford mapping projects in my blog.
Do you want to showcase your community’s history?
Contact me to talk about wayfinding or walking tour maps for your city.
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