Guide to a successful map project part 3

In previous newsletters I talked about defining the project scope and designing for print vs online maps. This time we’ll look at inset maps.

Inset maps

These are additional smaller maps to help clarify the content of your main map.

Examples are simple locator maps to show your location within a larger geographical area, or a detail map to show a close-up view of a busy area on your main map.

Sometimes both types of insets can be used on the same map.

Because the scale of each inset map is different than the main map, you may need to add a scale bar to help your map reader properly understand the distances and area shown. This is particularly important if you have a detail inset on a city map that people may use for navigation.

Next time we’ll look at templates and design considerations for brochures and folding maps.

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Contact me

If you are ready to start your mapping project, contact me for a free consultation.

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