Guide to a successful map project part 2

In the last newsletter I talked about the project overview and defining project scope. In this issue we’ll look at considerations for print and online maps.

Maps for print

Where/how will you use your print map?
  • in a magazine, book, or visitor guide
  • large folding map
  • brochure
  • wall map in your business location
  • tear-off map pad (like you get at a hotel front desk)
  • wayfinding map installed on city streets, transit stations, or trailheads

Online maps

What type of online map do you need?
  • downloadable PDF
  • GeoPDF for mobile device or for use in Avenza Maps
  • embedded locator map (e.g. Google, OpenStreetMap)
  • full interactive map

What is the map size?

  • For printed maps, your printer or publisher may have size requirements; or you can consult with your designer/cartographer to determine the best size and layout, particularly for folding maps and brochures.
  • For downloadable PDF or GeoPDF maps for Avenza Maps, your designer will work to the dimensions you specify, as above. If you don’t need a print map and are only offering a PDF that people can download to their devices and zoom in, it’s possible to use smaller font size than for a print map.
  • For maps for your website, either embedded or static images, talk to your web designer to find the required size in pixels – these are typically smaller maps on your website’s contact page or footer.

Stay tuned for next month’s issue when I’ll look at inset maps.

Need help with your map?

If you are ready to start your mapping project, contact me for a free consultation.
I design maps primarily for print but sometimes my clients also want downloadable PDF files or georeferenced maps in Avenza Maps, particularly for city and cycling maps – and I offer those services, too.

If you want an embedded map or full interactive map, I’ll refer you to colleagues who specialize in those types of maps.

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