Fall updates for active transportation maps
With fall approaching, municipalities are evaluating the new cycling and pedestrian infrastructure added this summer to allow for more physical distancing. Whether those new spaces are permanent or temporary, you likely didn’t have time or resources to invest in updating cycling maps to reflect those changes.
Have you thought about adding these routes to a Google Map? One important item to add would be which paths and routes are maintained in winter.
Or what about an offline map? This is a version of your print map, but exported as a georeferenced PDF that people can use on their phones with GPS. I recently spent the afternoon at Bronte Creek Provincial Park with a GeoPDF map I imported from their site into the Avenza Maps app to help me navigate. Very useful! You can do something similar with cycling and walking trails in your community.
I’d welcome the opportunity to talk with you about possibilities for your maps. Contact me to book a free consultation.
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