How maps can help non-profit organizations

You might be surprised at the different ways that non-profit organizations use maps. In the past few years I’ve worked with:

  • non-profit tourism marketing groups, such as WRTMC (Waterloo Region Tourism Marketing Corporation), to create overview maps of cities and regions for their printed and online visitor guide
overview map of Waterloo Region cities and townships
overview map of Cambridge, Ontario
  • international NGOs (non-governmental organizations), such as C4ADS, which provides analysis and reporting on global conflict and security issues, to create maps for their reports
Map of Narcotics Trafficking Routes in Iran for C4ADS report
Map of World Drug Trafficking Routes for C4ADS
  • local neighbourhood associations, such as Gull Lake Cottagers’ Association, for maps of the lake to distribute to their members
Map of Gull Lake for the Cottagers' Association
  • educational institutions and associations, such as University of Toronto Alumni, to recreate a battlefield map to distribute at a memorial for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge
Map of Battle of Vimy Ridge for the 100th anniversary
  • industry associations, such as Flowers Canada Growers, for maps for print and digital versions of their greenhouse growers directory
map of Southern Ontario with locations of Flowers Canada members
map of Niagara Region in Ontario with locations of Flowers Canada members
  • research groups, such as iREI (Island Research and Education Initiative), to create a map of Micronesia for use in classrooms
Map of Micronesia
  • charitable service organizations, such as Strong Start, to create maps to help plan areas for expansion of their literacy programs in school districts
Southwest Ontario map of Strong Start program locations
Strong Start Program Expansion Map of Southern Ontario

There are so many ways to use maps, limited only by your imagination. Once you start noticing maps, you’ll see them everywhere.

If you already have a map idea for your organization, you can request a free consultation to talk about your project. Or you can contact me with any questions you may have, and we can chat about all the different ways maps can help your organization plan, inform, and educate

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